Sunday, August 7, 2011

One day before... and THE DAY.

Friday August 6, 2010. Less than 24h till the start.

Just started packing. The amount of clothes doesn't seem that big. It's the other stuff that seems to take all the space. My place is a mess thanks to unpacking the England -luggage. (I was there for 3 weeks and came back a week before this trip.)

The tent has been divided into two. One bag weighs more than the other,  but only like 400 grams, so really not much.

Saturday August 7, 2010

I went to Brain's place around 2 pm. Our ride arrived at 4 pm. During that time I waited for Brain to be done with her packing, and we also went to the grocery store to get some snacks for the drive and the boat to Sweden. Our boat was by Viking Line, M/S Isabella, that left at 9 pm.

On the boat we had our first weird encounter. Danish lady started speaking to us and asking us questions. How we're going to Copenhagen and stuff. Then she gave us a puzzle, but we didn't know what to do, or understand it. Apparently it's a glass with an olive inside. The point is to move two pins so that the olive isn't in the glass anymore, and you can't touch the olive of course. I think. Now she's gone and we have her wine bottle... She started talking about meatballs at one point. I think she's still coming back. She left her stuff here, some of it at least.

Brain reminded me to write about the crazy rain that we experienced just as we left for Turku. It started to rain so, so much and so fast it was impossible to drive faster than 50 km/h on an 80 zone. You couldn't see much ahead at all. 

I had packed, well taken my stuff out yesterday and placed them on my bed and then to their own plastic bags. I put the clothes to the backpack yesterday and everything else to the backpack today. It weighs a lot. Brain's doesn't seem to weigh as much. We need to get rid of some stuff before we board the flights back.


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