Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 2: From Stockholm to Copenhagen.

August 8 2010

The night was interesting. We spent the night at the little room with train seats. At some point of the night I took my sleeping bag and went on the floor. I had Brain's mattress on the floor and her sleeping bag as my pillow. I managed to sleep. Which was a miracle. For the entire night before moving to the floor I hadn't been able to sleep at all.

We went to have breakfast in the ship's buffet, and ate so much that our bellies were full of food. So good.

We go the bus from the terminal to Cityterminal, where our train to Copenhagen via Malmö goes from. We were the last ones to get on the bus. We put our backpacks to the luggage rack by the front door. I had to put my bag on top of another bag, because a lot of the space was taken by bags that were light and small and could have easily been placed on the space above the seats. I'm just saying. Our bags probably could've fit above, but no one could've lifted them up, well we couldn't have.

The bus driver welcomed all of us to Sweden. He spoke with a funny accent and he was a little weird. He seemed to be in a very happy mood and the passangers were chuckling as well.
We soon got to Cityterminalen and found our way to the train station. It was really hot, humid in there. The weather in Stockholm was humid and foggy.

Brain was in the ticket office trying to find out whether we'd need to change our tickets that we got in Finland. We went with the train to Copenhagen. I saw we went through Nässjö, the town where my favorite band Backyard Babies is from.

I fell as sleep at some point. I missed Lund and woke up in Malmö. When we were on the train we noticed two guys with weird English accents, not really American, but not British either.

Once we were in Copenhagen already a guy on the train asks us a question, that being, are we American. Because apparently our way of using 'like' is very American.

We left our luggage to Copenhagen's trainstation. Kr 55.00 was what it cost. The trainstations bathrooms are quite a sight. And not necessarily a nice one... It was raining outside.We found the S-tog platform and went on our way to Experimentarium. Mia, who I had met in England couple weeks earlier, had a friend working there and got us in for free. We stood in the entrance and pondered, eventually the ticket sales person asked us if we were Pinky and Brain, and well what do you know, we were. ;)

The Brain exhibition was strange, we didn't really understand. The Sports & Spinach was awesome. You could try all these things and Brain tried 'kill the frog' where you stomp on these things on the floor and try to kill the frogs.. Until we noticed that thing was out of order, so it didn't really work. I tried pedalling. It was a short round course, with uphill parts and downhill parts. You only stood on the pedals, and held onto two strings that were hanging from the ceiling. It was awesome.

At one point we found a life size body, where you could take it's organs out and stuff. Brain tried to put them back, but it was really difficult!

It was 5 pm already and Mia picked us up from the Experimentarium. She drove us to the trainstation and we got our luggage. After a little detour that is. Who knew that one rectangular shaped room, a huge one that is, can be confusing. We took a wrong turn and had to walk all over that place. The Bagagebokse were big enough to fit both our bags in one.

Mia drove us to her place and there was Majken, who I also had met in England a couple weeks earlier, waiting.  Mia has the cutest dog, Chilli! It was awesome to see Mia and Majken again! We drank some champagne and played with Chilli. She's the center of attention really.

Mia was cooking dinner while the rest of us played with Chilli. Mia made the best meal. Seriously we didn't eat this well anywhere else on this trip. It was so delicious. Everyone took couple servings at least and oh my goodness it was good.

At one point there was a funny incident. Majken was explaning what Mia was cooking. She couldn't remember what the meat was in English, so she made horns with her hands and made a sound, like 'moo'. I for some reason immediately thought of moose, and Sasha thought of cows, but it was an ox. Okay, it was funnier there and then...

Brain and I stayed at Mia's for the night. After Majken left Mia took our map and circles places for us to go to, she even called her dad to think of places to see. We had a wonderful host. So thoughtful!


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