Sunday, August 21, 2011

DAY 15: The journey to Switzerland

Saturday, August 21st 2010

We left the ever-so-lovely Natterersee Camping with the 10:17 bus. Had brunch at a cafe near the railway station, bought some snacks for the road and went to the platform. 
Goodbye, Innsbruck, you will be missed
Our train left at 11:58 and it was a pretty long train ride (~3.5 hours). There were some lovely views out of the window though, gorgeous scenery:
We arrived in Zurich and went looking for an ATM to take out some Swiss money. Tried two different ATMs (different banks) and neither of them worked - they said our cards are damaged and we need to contact our bank. I started getting a bit worried about the prospect of having no cash. Luckily, we managed to get money at Western Union, phew. Swiss money looked like Monopoly money, and don't even get me started on their coins... Like what is the deal with the 1/2 coin???
Once we had the money problem solved, we took a train to Winterthur, which is where we were gonna camp. The train ride took about half an hour, and then we had to take a bus as well. We asked the bus driver for two tickets, but he said that we can't buy them from him, we need to use the machine outside. The instructions were all in German and we didn't really get them, so we asked a young woman for help. She told us what to do, but we didn't have enough coins for two tickets, so I had to get one from a nearby kiosk. So complicated. Why can't the bus driver sell tickets?? We'd only been in Switzerland for a few hours and were already irritated by those little things.

Anyways. We took a bus towards Rosenberg, got out at the right stop, and had no idea which way to go. So we just started walking along the road until we passed some guy and asked him for directions. Turns out we were going in the right direction, which was a relief. We found the camping site (Camping am Schutzenweiher), and the reception was closed. We sat outside for like 15 minutes and there were two men sitting at a table eating and talking. Then some lady came there and asked us something in a language we didn't understand. Then she asked in English if we wanted to check in. We said that we did, and she told us to just go and put up our tent somewhere, and take care of the paperwork later. She also said something to the men, and it seemed like she was telling them off for not telling us that we didn't need to wait for the reception to open. More annoyance :P 

We found a spot for our tent and got settled, then returned to the reception which was now open. Took care of the paperwork and paid for two nights. The lady gave us tokens for the shower, and I was a bit worried about those. Only 5 minutes of hot water seemed like very little. We asked the lady about a grocery store, and she said that most places close early on Saturdays, but that there is a small shop at the gas station that is always open. So that's where we headed. We found the gas station, and got ourselves food. Barely anything had a price tag, so we had no idea how much anything cost. But we needed food, so we didn't really have a choice.

We got back to our tent and just chillaxed until bedtime. Our tiny flashlight died, so we had to use our cellphones to get some light inside the tent. It was very very dark in the evening.
Our tent, and the laundry line :D

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