Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 3: Copenhagen, Denmark

August 9 2010

We woke up around 9.30. Mia was about to leave for work, but she had made breakfast for us already. Again, such a nice host! We got ready and headed out to town. She had instructed us to walk to the bus stop. It seemed like a long walk, but we didn't know where we were at all or where the bus stop really was. I'm sure if we would've walked to the bus stop more often and known more of our surroundings the walk wouldn't have seemed like such a long one. The bus was 150S and cost 30-something Kr. Our final stop was Nörreport Station.

From Nörreport Station we walked to the round tower, and then to the King's Garden / Rosenborg Castle. 

We walked towards Amalienborg and saw the Marble Church. It was very pretty and impressive. 

We continued on to Amalienborg and towards the sea.

The Guard at Amalienborg
We walked along the sea a little, saw plenty of ships and buildings, water fountains and such. Then we went a little into town and found a waffle place. We bought waffles, I got the Belgian waffle with powdered sugar and syrup. Brain got soft ice on hers.
 I laughed... :D Maybe we were still a little tired. 

Again... I laughed...

We walked some more and soon we were crossing a bridge and another one. We were on our way to Our Saviour's Church with the 398 or 388 stairs OUTSIDE the tower. 

It was insanely high and ridiculously windy. First we had to climb up to the tower and the part where the outside part begins. When we stepped outside from the inside of the tower we were so scared. We were so high! Then we started climbing up the stairs that kept getting smaller and smaller. There were many people as well, going up and coming down. When we got to the very top, and began climbing down, we saw our fellow interrailer's from the train to Copenhagen, the two who spoke English with a weird accent. 

From the Church we continued to Cristiania, took a couple pictures but we had to put our cameras away when we saw the no cameras-sign on the main street. (As the wikipedia articles says, Cristiania is confusing to get around, we walked one way and couldn't get out. So we ended up walking really far, and eventually found the sea and walked back to town following the river that went into town.) We saw people openly selling weed and hash brownies. It certainly was interesting. It was a weird feeling to see them selling that stuff so openly. And no, we didn't buy anything.

We crossed the huge bridge again back to the side we were on in the beginning. We were on our way to Kristiansborg to the Library Garden. We sat there for a while because our feet were sore of all the walking.

Mia had texted us that she can bring our backpacks to town for us so that we don't need to with the bus to her place and then come back to town again. We agreed to meet with her at 7.15 pm at the main railway station. We walked to the main railway station to ask about our train to Lund, Sweden where we'd take the night train to Germany. The train normally leaves from Malmö, but the entire Malmö train station was under construction, so the Berlin-train left from Lund instead.

We went with a S-tog to Nörreport St. We walked to St. Peter's church, which was already closed. We continued to a park and sat around there for a while. We soon had to go to the Main train station to meet with Mia. At the train station we had 32 Kr. left. We bought two water bottles for 25 Kr and a banana, totalling up to 31 Kr. The cashier asked us for 34 Kr. Why? Because the bottles have the bottle return fee thingy. But the cashier was a young guy, about our age, and took our 32 Kr. and said it was okay. It was very nice of him. This was not the last time that this happened though. ;) And we had spent all of our Danish money which was good, cause we couldn't spend it anywhere else of course. Soon we met with Mia and got our luggage. It was great seeing her. Then we were on the train to Lund. 

In Lund we had a little time before the Berlin-train arrived. We ate, and then got on the train. The night train had sleeping booths, 6 bunks in each compartment. We had the top bunks. There also was a guy from Switzerland, two guys from Sweden and one Somalian. The Somalian guy liked to hang out by himself, so the five of us talked and hung out in the compartment and later on the ferry. The train went into a ferry, and then everyone got out of the train for the ferry ride. Some people slept in the train I'm sure, but we were on the ferry, spent our last Swedish Kronor on beer that the five of us bought together. It was a fun train trip. 

On the ferry.

"... miles, Swedish miles..."

"...let me consultate my map..."


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