Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little summary

So we're back from our trip. It was pretty damn awesome :D Here is a list of just some of the high-lights:
  • Phrase of the trip: "You'd think"
  • Language of the trip: various types of German
  • Favorite currency: HUFs! (spent 29000 of those in two days)
  • Drink of the trip: Rum (in different forms)
  • Cuisine of the trip: Italian (pizza counts)
  • Songs of the trip: Alejandro and Waka-waka
  • Best camping site: Natterersee Camping in Innsbruck
  • Best hostel: Greenfield Private rooms in Budapest
  • Most memorable places: Untersberg and the Rhine Falls
  • Most surprising places: St Peter's church in Vienna, and Schloss Schönbrunn in Vienna
  • Most frustrating city: Zürich
  • Best scenery: Innsbruck
  • Major frustration of the trip: MasterCard not being accepted or not working
  • Biggest argument of the trip: whether or not apple struedels are mentioned in "My favorite things" from Sound of Music
  • Best train ride: Night train to Berlin
  • Best dinner: Mia's cooking (Copenhagen)
  • Most expensive meal: McDonald's in Zürich (27 CHF for 2 BigMacs, 2 large fries and 2 milkshakes)
  • WTF moments: Being asked for directions in almost every city
  • Weirdest keyboard layout: Hungary
  • Proudest moment: Managing to open beer bottles with a can opener
More details will be posted eventually :P

1 comment:

Pinky said...

Yeah, biggest and the only argument. :D