Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What to pack?!

I've read a couple 'what to pack'-lists, and Brain has read them too, and we both agree that those have been written by men. So here's the female version, well one of them. I don't know if I end up taking all of these things with me or the amounts that I mention, but I'm sure I'll do an updated post right after packing before leaving or once we're back.

  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad (is that it in English??)
  • Watch & Alarm clock
  • TICKETS!!!
  • Phone & Camera chargers
  • Extra memory cards
  • Insurance Cards
  • Medications (own first aid kit with whatever you're used to using, painkillers, bandaids etc)
  • Scissors
  • Some kind of a multitasking tool. Bottle & can opener, corkscrew, knife etc. 
  • Pens & notebook (diary)
  • Passport & driver's license if you own one. Copies of passport as well.
  • Sun lotion (SPF 30 and SPF 50 for me)
  • Lunch pack thing, well the cutlery + plate in it and a cup of some sort.
  • Playing cards for the longish train rides
  • Presents for the people who we are staying with
  • Thin towel x1
  • Bikinis x1-2
  • Jeans x1 (leaving home wearing them)
  • Hoodie x1 (leaving home wearing them)
  • Long sleeve shirt x1
  • T-shirts x3-4
  • Tank tops x4 (OR x3 + 1x tube top)
  • Underwear x6-7 
  • Bras x2 (black & white, possibility to remove straps)
  • Socks x3 (short ankle socks) (and maybe x1 high ankle socks)
  • Sandals x1 (leather, "fancier" sandals, work with a dress
  • Sporty sandals x1 for hiking, longer walks etc
  • Sneakers x1 (leaving home wearing them)
  • Flip flops x1 for wearing while showering at hostels/campsites... Don't want to catch anything.
  • Capris x1
  • Shorts x1-2
  • Dress x1
  • Skirt x1
  • Bandana scarf x1-2
  • Small black bag for when going out
  • An over-the-shoulder bag where passports etc are carried in front of you when you're carrying the big backpack. Also when not carrying the backpack a shoulder bag is good to have in town for water bottles & whatever you carry with you while in town.
  • Toothpaste & toothbrush
  • Hair brush
  • Marseilles-soap for washing clothes on the road
  • Floss
  • Hair removal things of choice
  • Minimal makeup, absolute necessities (mascara x1, black eyeliner pencil x1, a neutral eyeshadow palette with 3 eyeshadows, mineral powder foundation)
  • Shampoo & Hair conditioner, in small bottles
  • Face wash
  • Qtips
  • Tweezers
  • Nail file or clippers
  • Hairbands, hair clips or whatever needed to keep hair in control
  • Toilet paper roll. 

The tent Brain and I will be splitting in two. She's taking an mp3-player and I playing cards. I don't think we'll need two Marseilles-soaps cause one is quite big to begin with. We'll probably make do with one phone charger since they're the same kind. Camera battery charger I need to take with cause we have different kinds of batteries.

My backpack is either 55L or 60L depending on which one I'm going to take.


Brain said...

Would we manage with one toothpaste as well? Not that it weighs much..

You forgot: rope and "laundry boys" and umbrella. And PJ's.

Oh and it took me a while to figure out what you meant by "hair removal things of choice" xD

Pinky said...

I had written PJ's to my list. Rope & "laundry boys" we need to get. We'll be fine with one toothpaste, shampoo and hair conditioner.. I'm still thinking about the umbrellas.. Wouldn't want to carry them for no reason. BUT it is true that if you have an umbrella with, it wont rain

Anonymous said...

Ottakaa vaan kertakäyttösadetakit. Sekin varmistaa hyvin ettei sada.

Mitä aattelit tehdä noilla puhelimen ja kameran latureilla? ;) Tarkoitan, että puuttuuko listasta jotain oleellista...


Anonymous said...

"An over-the-shoulder bag where passports etc are carried in front of you when you're carrying the big backpack."

Jos näitä ei just sillä hetkellä tarvii, niin pitäisin rinkan keskellä. Rinkkaa ei kukaan varasta.

M yhä :)

Pinky said...

No se laukku tulis sitten kanssa sinne rinkkaan, kun joku laukku täytyy olla rinkan lisäks. Ja ton laukun saa myös baarilaukuks, eli toi pikkulaukku jää kotiin. Rinkka + olkalaukku.

Ja joo tulee ne puhelimet ja kameratkin mukaan. :D Ei niitä ajattele erikseen kun niitä kantaa täälläkin mukana jo.