Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who is Pinky?

I'm Pinky, a 20-something year old university student from Finland. Brain and I have been planning this InterRail trip for a while now. 

Long ago I had decided that I would go InterRailing with my sister once I turn 18, but that never happened and we are postponing that trip to the future. I hope we are only postponing it, instead of cancelling it. 

On St.Patrick's Day this year Brain came up with this idea that we should go travel around Europe this summer. Nothing was certain at first due to various reasons, but now that they are all figured out, we are going. And nothing will stop us taking over Europe by Rail.

I have traveled through the Nordic countries with the exception of Iceland. I want to go there someday. 

I have traveled to Brazil, Spain's Canary Islands x2, Cyprus, Greece's Rhodos island, Germany several times (during World Cup 2006 & Athletics World Championships 2009 in Berlin for instance), Poland, Czech republic and Latvia. I hope I did not forget anything.

Brain and I decided to travel to Riga, Latvia in August 2008. It was a fast decision. I remember texting her that we should go to Prague this summer and less than a week later if my memory does not fail me we had bought flight tickets already. Since we could not find cheap flights to Prague, we decided to go to Riga. The trip involved some extensive planning for each day we spent there and it was a great trip. Not all went according to plan, we could not stay at the hostel we first looked at, but I am actually happy we did not manage to stay there. Eventhough the hostel we decided to stay in was further away from the very center of the city we did get to see a lot more of Riga by not staying in the city center. Plus everything is always a little cheaper outside the center. It was only 1.5km from the center, so everything still was within a walking distance. 

This blog will consist of our plans so far, how they have changed during these couple months. There will be some texts concerning the countries and cities we are going to visit. We will, hopefully, update a little during the trip, but a more in depth diary I guess you could say will be written once we are back. We are not going to tell you the exact route or dates for safety reasons, just in case. Those details only our families  will know. Once the trip is done, we will explain our planned route in detail.


Sky Mikaela said...

So, let the journey begin! I would like to wish you a very pleasant and memorable journey, remember to behave, do not trust everyone you meet, do not lose your temper over minor issues (at least when talking to each other :D)... but after all this advice I hope you experience things which will then turn to pleasant memories which make you smile even after a hundred years. And... remember that a man is not a souvenir :-P



Pinky said...

Thanks Tanja!